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About VIA

This is the website of the history association VIA - Verein Industriekultur und Alltagsgeschichte [Association for Industrial Culture and Everyday History] founded in 1996 which likes to grant the visitors insight and deeper understanding for our work.


VIA follows the approach of a wide and egalitarian kind of history imparting. The work of our association with its research approaches and subjects focuses on the people who experienced, created and took responsibility for history as contemporary witnesses.  Complex content in museum exhibitions as well as in public space is visualized in popular science and conveyed in a generally understandable way.


By means of interviews, correspondence and other public and private documents historically interested persons are introduced to new views on our respectively their own past.


Contentwise our association particularly deals with the cultural history of the country (tourism, agriculture, alpine farming etc) besides historical topics as the time of National Socialism in Carinthia or labour history.


Dr Werner Koroschitz

Born in 1961 in Villach, lives and works as a contemporary historian, exhibition curator and author in Carinthia. Studies of history and ethnology. Graduation ceremony and doctorate at the University of Vienna.


Since 1996 scientific head of the Association for Industrial Culture and Everyday History; numerous publications and exhibitions about historical subjects: Labour history, memory culture, minority politics, national socialist perpetrator research, migration, tourism and youth movement.


His scientific work also includes the production of numerous documentaries amongst others about the personal history of Jewish families in Carinthia and Styria. Teaching activities amongst others at the University of Klagenfurt and at the University College of Teacher Education Klagenfurt. Second laureate of the Hans Maršálek-Prize at Vienna in 2021.



For implementing the exhibitions at museums as well as in public space Karin Pesau-Engelhart as a graphic designer, Josef Populorum for the exhibition architecture and Uli Vonbank-Schedler for the exhibition conception and design have always been reliable and ambitious partners since having founded the association. (f.r.t.l.)

Ein korrekter Nazi.jpg


The founder and scientific head of the association Dr Werner Koroschitz appreciates the regular cooperation with renown historians within his project work, as amongst others with Janina Böck-Koroschitz, Dr Michael Koschat, Dr Lisa Rettl and Mag. Alexandra Schmidt.


(f.l.t.r.): Helmut Manzenreiter (former mayor of Villach), Dr Werner Koroschitz, Dr Lisa Rettl



The history imparting of the association is based on publications, exhibitions and interventions in public space always including artistic kinds of expression enabling different and often surprising approaches and access to the subject.


Contributing artists of the past exhibitions were amongst others Hannes Domenig, Gisela Erlacher, Gerhard Fillei, Gernot Fischer-Kondratovitch, Angelika Kampfer, Richard Klammer, Joachim Krenn, Gerhard Maurer, Gerhard Pilgram, Johannes Puch, Wolfgang Reichmann (fig.), Hans Schabus, Robert Schabus, Johann Seiger, Inge Vavra, Elisa Vladilo and many more.

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