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 The mentioned publications were issued attendant to the exhibitions of the association respectively single publications by Werner Koroschitz. The entire books and catalogues are available from the respective publisher or directly from VIA (shipping added). Excerpts from the contents can be downloaded for free from this website. Download of all data is exclusively permitted for private, non-commercial use.


Extensive digital material can be requested on demand requiring an explanation of the research project. Requests and book orders under:

Auf der Am
Wem zu Ehren?

In Honour of Whom? A critical report about some street names in Villach in the context of  abusive memory culture.


The yearbook of the Villach Museum documents the research results from Werner Koroschitz referring to the burdened street names of the city. The author grants insight into the lack of memory culture in the community based on the critical debate of the topographic naming in Villach. The burdened street names were not removed from the cityscape, but only explanation boards were added.


editor: Museum of the City of Villach, Austria, 2021

author: Werner Koroschitz

language: German 

128 pages

format: 16 x 23,5 cm, hardcover 

ISBN: 978-3-901919-31-2

price: € 14,00 order under:



Wem zu Ehren? Villacher Straßennamen

Wem zu Ehren? 

Kritischer Bericht zu einigen Villacher Straßennamen im Kontext missbräuchlicher Erinnerungskultur.


Das Villacher Museumsjahrbuch dokumentiert die Forschungsergebnisse von Werner Koroschitz zu den belasteten Straßennamen der Stadt. Anhand der kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit der topographischen Namensgebung in Villach, gewährt der Autor Einblicke in die mangelnde Erinnerungskultur der Stadtgemeinde. Die belasteten Straßennamen wurden nicht aus dem Stadtbild entfernt, sondern mit Erklärungstafeln versehen. 


Hg.: Museum der Stadt Villach, 2021   

Autor: Werner Koroschitz  

Sprache: Deutsch  

128 Seiten   

Format: 16 x 23,5 cm, Hardcover 

ISBN: 978-3-901919-31-2

Preis: € 14,00

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Vererbtes Schweigen, verdrängte Erinnerung. Velden unterm Hakenkreuz

Inherited Silence, Extruded Memory. Velden under the Swastika 1938–1945.


The publication "Inherited Silence, Extruded Memory. Velden under the Swastika 1938–1945."  is focussing on the victims of national socialist violence in the community of Velden at the Wörthersee. At the same time the authors deal with the perpetrators of this scintillating touristic community.


editor: Werner Koroschitz, Michael Koschat, 2021

authors: Dieter Hecht, Louise Hecht, Renate Jernej & Gisela Erlacher, Werner Koroschitz, Michael Koschat

languages: German, abstracts in Slovene

368 pages

format: 18 x 24 cm, hardcover

ISBN: 978-3-7086-1116-7

publishing house: Mohorjeva/Hermagoras, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 36,00

drunter und drüber, Themenwanderweg Großfragant

down below & up on top - theme-trail, Großfragant


The brochure of the theme-trail "down below and up on top" is dedicated to the former copper mining and alpine farming at Großfragrant, Carinthia. In alpine countries mining and agriculture have always been closely related. Also at Großfragrant where many farmers or cottagers found their occupations as miners, woodcutters, charcoal makers or carters with copper mining.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2019

author: Werner Koroschitz

languages: German, English

32 pages

format: 14,8 x 21 cm, broschure


This brochure can be received for free from the municipal office in Flattach. order under:



Zimmer frei Fremdenpflege in Kärnten

Vacant Rooms. The Development of ’Alien Care’ in Carinthia


The publication is dedicated to about 150 years of tourism history in Carinthia. It ranges from the emerging tourism at the times of Habsburg Monarchy over the drawbacks during World War I to the "summer retreats free of Jews" between world wars and accompanies the reader from the booming overnight stay figures of the post war decades to the unbridled wearout of agricultural resources promoting tourism.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2018

authors: Roland Flückiger-Seiler, Egyd Gstättner, Werner Koroschitz, Nikola Langreiter, Doris Moser, Stefanie Sargnagel, Alexandra Schmidt, Harald Schwinger, Michael Zinganel and many more

artists: Gisela Erlacher, Gernot Fischer-Kondratovitch, Angelika Kampfer, Gerhard Maurer, Gerhard Pilgram, Claus Prokop, Johannes Puch and many more

language: German

270 pages

format: 23 x 28 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7084-0609-1

publishing house: Johannes Heyn Verlag, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 35,00


Measuring. About the "Racial" Examination at St Jakob/Rosental.              


Within his research for the exhibition shown and publication edited in 2014 "In Best Agreement" the curator and editor Werner Koroschitz came across a remarkable file, where Vienna anthropologist Karl Tuppa pointed to his examination carried out at St Jakob/ Rosental in 1938 in which 80 % of the community inhabitants, a number of 3200 persons, were measured and photographed according to "racial" criteria. Due to further research hundreds of phptographic copies as well as the corresponding data sheets from the above mentioned examination could be found at the Department of Anthropology at Vienna University. Their contents ranges from the mentioned historical incidents to racist visual appearances at present.


editor: VIA/Slovenian Cultural Association: SPD Rož

authors: Margit Berner, Werner Koroschitz, Michael Koschat, Katarina Matiasek and many more

artists: Birgit Bachmann, Angélica Dass, Samira Fux, Hannes Gröblacher, Rudolf Melcher, Nadja Pörtsch, Fritz Russ

languages: German, Slovene

304 pages

format: 17 x 22 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7086-1029-0

publishing house: Hermagoras/Mohorjeva, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 32,00

Kunst des Vergessens Villach

The Art of Forgetting.


The artistic activities in Carinthia during National Socialism and the first post war decades are examined by means of contemporary art and historical contributions. Thus almost the same art creators were represented at art exhibitions during the National Socialism times as in the early times of the Second Republic.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, Uli Vonbank-Schedler, 2015

authors: Werner Koroschitz, Michael Koschat

artists: Gisela Erlacher, Gernot Fischer-Kondratovitch, Armin Guerino, Tatiana Lecomte, Niki Meixner, Cornelius Onitsch, Gerhard Pilgram, Josef Populorum, Peter Putz, Inge Vavra and many more

language: German

112 pages

format: 21,5 x 27 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7084-0550-6

publishing house: Johannes, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 17,90

Nationalsozialismus in Kärnten

National Socialism in Carinthia


What leads to the rise of National Socialism in Carinthia and what enthuses people about it? What plans do the Nazis have with the Carinthian Slovenes? What do the Carinthian Jews experience during the Holocaust? What fate do the Romas and Sintis suffer? Who are the forced labourers? What is Euthanasia? Who offers resistance in Carinthia? How is the debate of National Socialism times developing up to now? Based on such fundamental questions the book tells the story of National Socialism to a broad audience, particularly to young readers, scientifically profound and in a well readable language.


authors: Nadja Danglmaier, Werner Koroschitz

language: German

464 pages

format: 19,7 x 24,7 cm, hardcover

ISBN: 978-3706552448

publishing house: StudienVerlag, Innsbruck, Austria, 2015

price: € 24,90

Im besten Einvernehmen. Antisemitismus und NS-Judenpolitik im Bezirk Villach

By Amicable Agreement. Antisemitism and NS-Jewish Policiy at the District of Villach (Austria)


The book collects plenty of research results which document the lives of Jewish citizens at the district of Villach in the 20th century. Thereby it gets evident how deeply antisemitsm was rooted amongst the Carinthian population already in the beginning of the century. With the "Connection" of Austria to the "Dritte Reich" the Jewish population was exposed to national socialist terror. Confiscation, emigration and death were the direct consequences of this terror regime.


editor: Werner Koroschitz, Alexandra Schmidt, Villach Remembrance Association, 2015

authors: Alexander Verdnik, Dieter Hecht, Louise Hecht, Werner Koroschitz, Klaus Mihacek, Alexandra Schmidt

language: German

272 pages

format: 20,5 x 26,5 cm, hardcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7084-0524-7

publishing house: Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 34,00

Ans Meer, Geschichte des Adriaurlaubs

To the Sea. The History of Adraitic Holidays.


"To the Sea" is a special exhibition about the history of the Adriatic holidays made by the Carinthian people presented at the Museum of Villach in 2012. For this countless persons were asked about their holiday memories - and amazing material was collected. At the Adria many workers encountered the Italian "Dolce Vita" in the 1950ies and 1960ies enabled by the Austrian economic miracle of the post war era. Decades earlier travelling the Adria was a privilege of nobility and wealthy bourgeouisie.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2012

authors: Werner Koroschitz

artists: Gerhard Maurer, Gerhard Pilgram, Josef Populorum, Johannes Puch, Robert Schabus, Hubert Sielecki and many more

language: German

136 pages

format: 23 x 28 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-200-02622-3

Special Price: € 12,00

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Kein schöner Land, NS-Opfer in Murau

No Country More Beautiful. NS-Victims in Murau.


The project "Kein schöner Land" dealt with the history of Nazi times in Murau as part of the styrian festival of arts and culture "Regionale 12". Besides the local memory discourse publications and exhibition were about two Jewish families in Murau, the progrom of the Sintis and Romas as well as the use and fate of forced labourers in this region during NS times.


editor: Stadt- und Handwerksmuseum Murau, 2012

authors: Werner Koroschitz, Uli Vonbank-Schedler

language: German

86 pages

format: 17 x 24 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-85435-532-8

price: € 16,90

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Almwirtschaft im Wandel

100 Years of Alpine Farming Association. 1909-2009. Alpine Farming in Transition.


The book was published on occasion of the 100 year anniversary of the Carinthian Alpine Farming Association. It impressively describes the transition of alpine farming through several centuries. Personal reports by contemporary witnesses and historic reports give this book a special vitality. As well as the numerous pictorial documents that visualise the living and working environment from former to recent times.


editor: Carinthian Alpine Farming Association, Austria, 2009

author: Werner Koroschitz

language: German

148 pages

Format 11,25 x 15 cm, softcover 

price: € 18,00

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Wir gehörten hierher... Über die jüdische Familie Scharfberg in Eisenkappel.

We all belonged here... . About the Jewish Family Scharfberg in Eisenkappel.


This present publication documents the history of a Jewish family from Carinthia who had to escape from their home in 1938. The couple Joseph and Marianne Scharfberg had been located in Eisenkappel since 1930 and ran a textile business here. After the NS takeover in March 1938 the Scharfbergs belonged to the first Carinthian victims of the NS regime. Their business was "aryanised", but the family and their five year old son Kurt managed to escape to Palestine where they had to fight completely moneyless for establishing an existence. The injustice inflicted to them by the main community has never been reprocessed.


editor: Slowenischen Kulturverein Zarja, Bad Eisenkappel/Slovensko prosvetno društvo Zarja, Železna Kapla, 2008

authors: Werner Koroschitz, Lisa Rettl

language: German, Slovene

122 pages

format 14,8 x 21 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-85435-538-0

Preis: € 13,40

(out of stock)

My Generation 1968–2008. Aufbruch in der Provinz?

My Generation 1968–2008. Awakening at the Province?


In the centre of historic interest about "My Generation" is the question for the sociopolitical and cultural effects of the 68 movement in the province. Though there were not any spectacular demonstrations in Carinthia like in Paris, Berlin or Vienna, the juvenile protest movement also made an impact here. In the exhibition the feeling of the juvenile every day life at those times can be found. Coincidently the history of the 68 generation interacts creatively with current juvenile forms of expression. The publication provides a concise summary of all this.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2008

author: Werner Koroschitz

artists: Alfred Burian, Peter Dorfinger, Michael Gams, Lukas Hutter, Paul Gasser, Matija Kac, Janina Koroschitz, Luisa Meschik, Martin Mittersteiner, Anna Müllneritsch, Sebastian Pfeiffhofer, Gernot Pollak, Anna Rettl, Martin Sereinig, Andreas Wallensteiner, Alexander Zojer and many more

language: German

88 pages

format: 29 x 20,5 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-85435-570-0

publishing house: Drava/Založba Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovic, Austria

price: € 14,00

Baby an Bord. Mit dem Kinderwagen durch das 20. Jahrhundert.  ​Wien Museum

Baby Aboard. Passing the 20th Century by Buggy.


By buggy many stories can be told: About the need for mobility and changing gender roles. About technical innovations and the change of urban infrastructure. The exhibition initially links the article of daily use buggy to the city history. In the centre is the question: Who pushes it? The nanny? The mother? Or even the father?


editor: Wien Museum, 2007

authors: Werner Koroschitz, Lisa Rettl, Uli Vonbank-Schedler

language: German

192 pages

format: 20 x 26,5 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7076-0254-8

publishing house: Czernin Verlag, Wien, Austria

price: € 19,00


The Uncle from America. Departing into a New World.


The contributions of the catalogue and the exhibition approach the phenomenon of migration by means of numerous emigration biographies. The variety of these histories presented to us in form of letters, photographs, diary remarks and interviews results in an overall presentation illustrating that Carinthian emigration to America cannot be conceived as a singular occurence, but as part of European migration.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2006

authors: Vida Bakondy, Karl-Markus Gauß, Florian Klenk, Andrea Komlosy, Werner Koroschitz, Doris Moser, Vida Obid, Christof Parnreiter, Alexandra Schmidt, Renée Winter

artists: Apsolutno, Johannes Domenig, Uwe und Heiko Bressnik, Angelika Kampfer, Richard Klammer, Gerhard Maurer, Josef Populorum, Johannes Puch, Johann Seiger and many more

language: German

296 pages

format 23 x 28 cm, softcover 

ISBN: : 978-385435476

Drava/Založba Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria

price: € 26,00

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game over. Eine Industriegeschichte

Game Over. An Industrial History.


"History Upwards" using the example of bilingual Carinthian Rosenthal: From industrialisation to deindustrialisation and the impacts on peoples' coexistence. The publication tells about constructing the "Karawankenbahn" [railway at the alps/ Karawanken], factories as "strongholds of German culture", the usage of forced labourers as well as about anti fascist resistence.


editor: Kultur- und Kommunikationszentrum St. Johann/Kulturni in komunikacijski center Šentjanž, 2006

authors: Werner Koroschitz, Tamara Pinter

language: German, Slovene

128 pages

format: 17 x 21 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3854354963

publishing house: Drava/Založba Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovec, Austria

price: € 10,00

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Ein korrekter Nazi. Oskar Kraus. NS-Oberbürgermeister von Villach. Kärntner Erinnerungsk(r)ämpfe

A Decent Nazi. Oskar Kraus. NS Mayor of Villach. Carinthian Memory Quarrels/Cramps.


As part of a project by the state of Carinthia in memory of the "defense quarrel" and a referendum even the national socialist mayor of Villach Oskar Kraus found his way onto a monument.  The publication "a decent Nazi" analyses the political conditions in Carinthia which led to this questionable cenotaph along the Drau bikeway. Besides a basic occupation with the Carinthian state holiday Oskar Kraus is introduced to the public by a political biography as well as by his own autobiographic life memories.


editor: Werner Koroschitz, Lisa Rettl, 2006

authors:  Werner Koroschitz, Lisa Rettl

language: German

230 pages

format: 12 x 19 cm, Softcover 

ISBN: 978-3854355014

Drava/Založba Drava Verlag, Klagenfurt/Celovec

Preis: € 15,00

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Heiss umfehdet, wild umstritten. Geschichtsmythen in Rot-Weiss-Rot.

Hotly Embattled, Wildly Disputed. Historic Myths in Red White Red.


The years 1945 and 1955 mark a decisive turning point in Austrian history. Between the liberation from National Socialism and the signing of the national treaty concluded with the Allies lies a decade which formed state supporting historic myths and legends about Austria becoming a nation. So the "victim myth" has not only become the central narrative of the nation, but also the basis of identity of the Second Republic. With the background of negotiating the Austrian state treaty historical continuity and breakups are documented, as they cristallised particularly in Carinthia since the foundation of the Second Republic.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, Lisa Rettl, 2005

authors: Thomas Albrich, Klaus Amann, Werner Koroschitz, Peter Piker, Lisa Rettl Heidemarie Uhl, Katharina Wegan

language: German

277 pages

format: 20 x 27 cm, Softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-85435-450-5

publishing house: Drava/Založba Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovec

price: € 25,00

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All Dobratsch.


The exhibition "All Dobratsch" tells the eventful history of the Villach local mountain [Dobratsch/Alps] that has developed as a "natural setting"  to a vital element of the city landscape over the centuries and its perception by people shows from a steadily changing perspective. The catalogue makes the exhibition and artistic contributions take effect beyond their presentation duration.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2018

authors: Horst Ebner, Werner Koroschitz, Wolfgang Kos, Arnulf Rohsmann, Alexandra Schmidt

artists: Bernhard Bernsteiner, Wolfgang Bogner, Johannes Domenig, Gernot Fischer, Shinji Komiya, Johannes Puch, Peter Raneburger, Wolfgang Reichmann, Robert Schabus, Johann Seiger

language: German

184 pages

format: 23 x 28 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3854353928

publishing house: Drava/Založba Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovec

Special Price: € 15,00

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Workshop Villach 1900-2000. Work and Spare Time in Transition.


Work and spare time are central terms of the exhibition "Workshop Villach 1900-2000" shown at the Westbahnhof in Villach. The time line of this sociohistorical presentation ranges over one century which was particularly shaped by the speedup of our living environment - from the slowly beginning industrialisation around 1900 to the modern, globally linked communication technologies. Considering all social ranks the change initiated by modernisation and technisation from a rigid class society to a highly mobile information and consumption society is also documented in Villach.


editor: VIA/Werner Koroschitz, 2018

authors: Gordana Brandner-Gruber, Roland Flückiger-Seiler, Egyd Gstättner, Katharina Herzmansky, Ute Holfelder & Klaus Schönberger, Werner Koroschitz, Nikola Langreiter, Astrid Meyer-Hainisch, Doris Moser, Heinz-Dieter Pohl, Erwin Riess, Stefanie Sargnagel, Alexandra Schmidt, Harald Schwinger, Michael Zinganel; artists: Christopher Aaron, Gisela Erlacher, Gerhard Fillei, Gernot Fischer-Kondratovitch, Angelika Kampfer, Joachim Krenn, Gerhard Maurer, Gerhard Pilgram, Claus Prokop, Johannes Puch, Harald Schwinger, Johann Seiger, Daniel Wisser

language: German

270 pages

format: 23 x 28 cm, softcover 

ISBN: 978-3-7084-0609-1

publishing house: Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria

price: € 34,00

Velden unterm Hakenkreuz
drunter &drüber Themenwandeweg
Zimmer frei
Kunst des Vergessens
Nationalsozialismus in Kärnten
Im besten Einvernehmen
Ans Meer
Kein schöner Land
Almwirtschaft im Wandel
Wir gehörten hierher...
My Generation
Baby an Bord
Der Onkel aus Amerika
game over
Ein korrekter Nazi - Oskar Kraus
Heiss umfehdet, wild umstritten
Alles Dobratsch
Werkstatt Villach
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
Wanderbücher UNIKUM

Further Text Contributions (Selection) in:


Klagenfurterinne(r)n. Eine frauengeschichtliche Spurensuche. 2021

ISBN: 978-3-7084-0649-7; price: € 35,00

publishing house: Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt, Austria


Hiking Books UNIKUM, Austria:


Näher rücken. Wandern und Einkehren auf der Sattnitz/Gure. 2021; ISBN 978-3-85435-978-4; price: € 24,80


Aus der Enge. Wandern und Einkehren im Nordwesten Friauls. 2019; ISBN 978-3-85435-918-0; price: € 29,80


Zu Rande kommen. Wandern und Einkehren im Karst und an der Küste. 2015; ISBN 978-3-85435-743-8; price: € 24,80


Tiefer gehen. Wandern und Einkehren im Karst und an der Küste. 2013: ISBN 978-3-85435-654-7; price: € 29,80


Über die Zäune/O Plotovih/Sui Recinti. 2011; ISBN 978-3-85435-629-5, not available


Das Weite suchen. Zu Fuß von Kärnten nach Triest. 2006; ISBN: 3-85378-594-8, price: € 19,90


Verschütt gehen. Wandern und Einkehren rund um den Dobratsch. 2002; ISBN: ‎ 978-3-8543-5391-1; price: € 24,00


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